
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Two weeks!

Well, Ella turned two weeks old on Christmas Day. Obviously, we weren't going in for her checkup that day, so it was into the doctor on the 26th.

Little Miss was back up to her birthweight, 8lbs 6 oz. and was 20.5 inches long (was 20 at birth). The docker looked her over and essentially said she looked absolutely perfect. She hasn't been doing anything out of the ordinary, and I really didn't have any questions/comments/concerns, so the appointment went pretty fast.

I did ask, however, if I still needed to wake her during the night to eat. He said that since her jaundice was behind her, she proved that she could gain and maintain weight, and that she was eating well, that she could be left alone and to let her fall into her own routine. Exactly what I wanted to hear. Besides, I apparently had been shutting my phone alarm off during the night anyways. I'd wake up because of Ella crying, to look at my phone to see it was past the time that the alarm had been set for. Oops! When I told the doctor that, he just laughed and said that that was a definite sign that I most certainly was not a first time mom. We both got a good laugh out of that. Another funny of the appointment was that she had red glitter pretty much all over the place. In her neck, on her cheek, in her hair. Not quite as bad as the appointment the week before when the doctor found a speck of glitter in her diaper. We obviously are living in a house full of girls :)

Sporting just a wee bit of baby acne lol

Also, how in the world has two weeks gone by so fast? It seemed those last few weeks of my pregnancy dragged on, and now time is back to flying by!

So far, she's also proven to be a fairly easy baby. Mainly cries just when she's hungry, and as soon as she has her food, she's set. She's sleeping in 2-3 hour stretches during the night, and after eating its normally right back to sleep. She loves cuddles and her favorite way is to lay on your chest and tuck her legs under. We could both sit there for hours on end like that.

Addisyn and Alyse are still doing well with the new adjustment. Addisyn loves helping and Alyse likes doing whatever Addi does. They still fight over getting to hold her too.

Just like in the ultrasound, sleeping with her hand by her face
I feel completely overwhelmed right now. I have over 500 essays with just 4 days to do them. That's on top of taking care if a newborn and two toddlers. My house is a disaster zone with all of the girls' Christmas gifts. Not to mention, the house hasn't been cleaned since the day before Ella was born. There are about three loads of clothes to be folded as well as more to be washed. Along with a dishwasher sitting with clean dishes and a sink full of dirties. Once I get these essays knocked out I know I'll be able to get the other stuff taken care of. Until then though, I'll just stay stressed at looking at all the mess! And for anyone wondering how I have time to sit and write these posts with so much to do...the miracle of a smart phone app. When you're up in the middle of the night nursing a baby or sitting on the couch nursing during the day, it's amazing what you can do on your phone ;)

Fun fact: Ella had her first poop explosion on Friday, at two weeks old and three days. Of course, it would also be just after a fresh and clean bath.

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