
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Full Term!!!

May (3 months) and December (37 weeks)
The big 3-7 week is here! Full term. So the little princess is welcome to come whenever her little heart desires. I had my checkup today, and still at 3 cm, so no new progress in that area. I also had a sonogram and it showed that she's only weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. That was a HUGE sigh of relief off of my chest. I was so nervous that she was going to be a gigantic toddler in there. The tech's words were that she was within the "normal" range and that she was long and skinny. Specifically, her tummy was skinny. So here's to hoping her machine wasn't way off and that the little bean doesn't pack on 3 pounds within these next few days.

This past weekend was quite busy. Of course we had Thanksgiving on Thursday, and then on Saturday a first birthday party and getting all the Christmas decor for inside and outside of the house out of the attic and up. All while watching the Gators beat Florida State! Perfect day. Sunday, we went to target and got a new stocking and stocking holder for the baby. We are up to 7 stockings on our shelf! Crazy! We also went and picked out of Christmas tree.

The rest of our Sunday afternoon we decorated the tree. Addisyn was so excited to look at all the ornaments and to place them on the tree. Alyse was excited at first but soon lost interest. Once everything was up I had to goal to get both of the girls together for a picture. Alyse said no and ran to the kitchen yelling about wanting a banana. My solution: tell her she can have the banana AFTER she takes a picture with her sister. A few more minutes of crying went by, I reminded her of the bribe, and she stomped over to the tree. And she stood there. Arms folded and her bottom lip poked out. When I asked her to smile and say cheese all I got was a humph and her "humphing" her crossed arms. What a little stinker. So since she took her picture, she got her banana, after all smiling wasn't part of the original deal.
Addisyn's Pre-K3 picture

After a week off, Addisyn went back to school on Monday. She was so excited to get back into the routine. They've started their unit on the Gingerbread Man. I know she's going to have a blast with all the activities her teacher (whom she absolutely adores) has planned. They are also busy practicing for their Christmas Program that will be next week. I just hope I'm not holed up in the hospital and have to miss it :( Also, she will be in the Christmas parade this Saturday. I'm not quite sure how she really feels about it, because I'm pretty sure that she realizes that she is going to miss getting to watch the parade, which is something she really enjoys. We may take her over to Ocoee's parade that afternoon so that she can still get the opportunity to see the parade.

Until then, we're just patiently waiting. We might have a bit more information at my next appointment next week. Or, I may not make it that long lol. But, in the meantime I'll just try not to think about it, otherwise the days are just gong to frag by. I am so ready to meet this baby girl. Can't wait to get a big dose of baby smell! :)

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