
Friday, November 9, 2012

34 weeks!!!

Woah. This is getting real. A technical 6 weeks to go. I feel like I essentially say the same thing each post. You know, commenting about how close it's getting. But seriously, each passing week is making time closer and closer. I'm getting more excited each week, but at the same time I'm get more nervous each week. How in the world do I do three kids? Insane. Of course I know I can handle it, afterall I taught several classrooms of 20+ kids. I'll be good. <------- That's my current mantra to get me through.

A funny Addisynism of the week. The other night while I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, she asked if she could lift up my shirt to look at my belly. I tell her yes but inquire as to why she wanted to do so. Her response was that she wanted to check on the baby. So, I step back from the sink and she gently lifts my shirt. "oh! Your belly button is almost closed. So, that mean's the baby's coming out soon." With that, she satisfactorily pulls my shirt back down and walks away. I think I have a future doctor on my hands!

Today, while Addisyn was at school Alyse and I ventured out to do some Christmas shopping. I can honestly say that this is the earliest I have EVER started thinking about Christmas. My normal philosophy is no Christmas until AFTER black friday (nope, not one of the crazies who goes out in that mess!). But, seeing that a new baby will either be on the way or already here, I need to have the ducks in a row prior. I had already been finding a few things here and there online, but that is a bit limiting since I refuse to pay shipping. I'm pretty good about finding coupon codes for a lot of places and my free trial of Shop Runner (12 months was the initial free trial, but I got an additional 3 for signing up for some email thing. I'll be good until March 2013, woohoo!). It's fun tracking packages online and waiting for them to arrive.

I've been having braxton hicks contractions still. Nothing major, but some are quite uncomfortable. I think little Gummy has dropped a bit lower because her foot that was in my ribs for most of last week hasn't been bothering me. I also feel a bit more room to breathe. I have my 35 week appointment on Tuesday, and I'm pretty sure my doctor will be checking to see if I'm dilated yet. If I remember correctly, I was at like 3 cm for this first check with Alyse. The following week I was at 4cm, and the nest week at 5 cm. That's when I was induced. So, if this goes anything like it did with Alyse, we may only be about two and a half weeks out.

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