She still has rolled over yet and isn't sitting upright either. It seemed that she would roll soon, but she has pretty much haulted any efforts to try since she generally refuses to be put down. Sometimes when I put her down to get something done quickly she will squirm around and roll to her side, but hasn't gone all the way over. She has, however, become quite be wriggle worm and can change into all different sorts of directions while laying in the crib or cradle.
Ella is still wearing 0-3 month clothes. They seem to be on the verge of being too short, I'm sure Doug will be super excited when I tell him it's time to go in the attic to get the 3-6 month tub of clothes. Lol, he hates trips to the attic ;)
She has also started losing some hair. There are fine little black hairs all the the spot where her head lays in the cradle. If I lay her on my legs, I'll find them on me if I lift her up. And, no! They are not from me! Even though she's losing hair, it doesn't really look like she's lacking, aside from the spot on the back of her head. But, if you look closely along her hairline you can see the blonde(like) hair coming in. So, I still think her hair will turn to match her sisters.
She also loves to be able to watch and see what everyone is doing. If you catch her in a super happy mood she will tell you a nice long story in her adorable baby sound voice. I love listening to her talk :) Normally, if you smile at her she will return an even bigger smile.
This weekend is my birthday weekend. I'm getting old. Yuck. Next weekend is Memorial Day weekend, then two weekends after that will be Addisyn's dance recital. I also cannot believe that there is only three weeks of school left! She will officially be in Pre-K4 in August, and then Kindergarten. Woah!
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