Ella is now sitting up on her own. Not totally 100% of the time, but can hold herself up for short periods of time before she folds over or falls over. The other night I laid her back against a pillow on the couch and then she used those ab muscles and went straight into a sitting position. She still hasn't rolled over yet though. She really has no interest in trying. Here and there she will sleep throughout the whole night, but generally she's up at one point during the night, mostly around 4 or 4:30am. Hopefully she starts sleeping all night soon, because once she is able to pull herself to sitting from laying she won't be able to sleep in the cradle anymore, which means she will have to go to the crib in her room. That makes me nervous.
Ella's 6 Month stats:
15lbs 8oz (50%)
26.25" tall (75%)
17" head circumference (75%)
Comparing to Addi and Alyse at 6 months old:
Addisyn: 14lbs 10oz, 27.5" tall
Alyse: 19lbs .5oz, 28.5" tall
And, holy cow! Can't believe Alyse was pushing 20lbs at this age! Also, looks like Ella has my height genes at slightly above average instead of being ginormously tall like daddy.

On Saturday (June 8), Addisyn had her ballet recital. This year, she tapped for the recital even though she was in a ballet/tap class. It was so cute watching them tap their little feet. Her little gold costume was adorable and she was beyond excited to get to wear her stage makeup. The recital is really so much fun for her, and I'm just glad that she gets to do something that she enjoys. Next year, Alyse will get to be in the recital too, although it will be in a separate show. The whole time watching Addi, she kept saying "I can do that!" Such a stinker!
Last Wednesday, was Addisyn's last day of school. She doesn't quite understand the whole summer vacation and then moving up to a new class. I believe she's under the impression that she will be going back to her three year old classroom. It will definitely be interesting with the start of the year with all four of us being at the preschool. Ella has just this short amount of time to learn to let other people take care of her and to take a bottle! Worried a bit about that! I know she'll be in good hands though and I'll be at the school too, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal!
Dannnngggg Alyse! She towers Jackson, too! I love our babies! We have the best kids!