Almost time for school! |
It's time... little baby Ella is on the move. It's a third crawl, third scoot, and third I-don't-know-what. But! She's going. She can efficiently move from one spot in the room to the other and is just now discovering that she can chase after me when I mysteriously slip out of the living room and into the kitchen. She's so proud of herself too. It's quite funny when she really gets moving and she will start with the squealing too because she's just so excited.
Ella with her ribeye and fresh green beans. I couldn't cut the steak fast enough! |
Not only is she on the move, she's also really starting to get this whole baby talk down. When she wakes up in the morning I find her sitting up in her crib yelling "mommmma, mommmmma, mommmmma" over and over again. She will sometimes say dada, bye-bye, hi, and all done. Of course they don't come out sounding just like that, but we know it's what she's saying. We can see those wheel in her head spinning all the time. She's also eating like a big girl. Essentially, no more purees. It got to be where it was more of a mess to offer baby purees to her than what was getting in her mouth. So I was able to convince her enough to eat the left over foods I had made in the freezer and that was it. Now, she's on table foods. Basically, anything we are eating she's eating. Her absolute favorite is green beans. She will also gobble up corn, peas, bananas, grapes, and strawberries. I also give her meats like chicken, steak, and cold cuts from the deli. She's just like her sisters were when they were babies and loves her food!
One of the things I love most of this little baby is her personality. She can go from snuggle muffin, to jokester, to cranky pants in just one day. She still loves her momma and would rather be attached to my hip than on her own (or with anyone else) and I'm ok with that. Others may be annoyed by it, but not me. She's only a babe once and I'm going to take all that I can get.
Fresh catches! |
We also spent a weekend in Hudson this past month. The girls had fun, and then boys were finally able to catch some fish. Even Addi and Alyse caught fish. At first the were both so excited to go fish, but once Alyse got her line out that first time she quit and said she was done. Once she saw Addi bring a fish in though she was ready to go again. Little miss competitive. Then, it was off, and it almost seemed as if they were taking turns catching them even though they each had their own poles.
Halloween was fun. We walked Grandma's neighborhood and both of the girls filled their pumpkins with candy. We even found a house that was handing out toothbrushes (one of the local dentists, lol) and another house that had jell-o shots for the grownups. All in all, a good night for everyone.
Our Sofia, Rapunzel, and Snow White! Sweet, sweet princesses! |
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