
Saturday, December 8, 2012

38 and 3

Holy big belly at 38 weeks! Can't believe I'm posting this :/
Well, today marks the day of this being the longest that I've ever been pregnant. Gummy (or the newer names Coral-Pie, which just doesn't cut it for me) has managed to stay in longer than both of her two older sisters. Go figure. Third baby and longest pregnancy. I had my check up on Thursday, and still sitting at 3cm. Not any progress, but it's not like that really means much. My doctor still described my cervix as "favorable" so it's not like all these contractions haven't done anything. The past few days, the contractions have gotten much stronger and have even had a handful in a row. But nothing that lasted long enough to warrant a trip to labor and delivery. And, my doctor also told me she is on call over the weekend, so maybe things can get moving along sooner rather than later.

I feel like I've ran out of room. Most of my shirts are too short. My pants are constantly falling down. I've lost all since of self respect walking around the house with the bottom portion of my belly hanging out. I feel like I should put on a wife beater and have a can of beer in my hand. Just a few more days, and the majority of these problems will go away. However, the sad news is, is that these issues will be replaced with jiggly flab that won't allow me to wear normal jeans but leaving the maternity pants a bit too big. Lose/lose, but one of the joys of motherhood.

Heart burn is nasty. I've been living off of Tums. Especially at night. I've also reverted back to trying to take an afternoon nap while the girls take theirs. I can definitely notice the drop of energy. It's going to be a long time before I have any of that to spare. 

Last Saturday, was the city's Christmas Parade. Addisyn's school participated and I spent the Friday before up at the school helping decorate. Because of being uber pregnant Doug went along with Addisyn during the parade. I figured waiting around at the line up for over an hour and walking that distance would leave me pretty swollen and uncomfortable. So, Alyse and I claimed some spots as spectators and later the rest of the gang came to watch as well. Addisyn was so excited when she rode past and was sure to throw some candy to Alyse. The float turned out adorable, and we just found out last night that we won first place for the most Christmas spirit. How cool!

Thursday night, Addisyn had her Christmas Pageant at the Pre-School. It was so adorable to watch all the little ones singing and doing their motions to their songs. Addisyn has been singing them around the house for quite sometime now, but it was fun to see it all put together. And, of course it would be my kid that was digging at her pants almost the entire time because her tights were bothering her. Luckily, she was in the back row so hopefully not too many people noticed. She was so proud of herself though and was extra excited because she was able to be on the stage. Such a ham.

The girls went to the Boat House for the weekend, leaving Doug and I alone for one final weekend. It's nice to just relax, but it's so strange not having the girls. Pretty much my whole world revolves around them and to have them gone is just awkward. Today, went out with Zoe to the mall and also got manicure/pedicures. Good to have a day to myself. Not sure what to do tomorrow. I'm sure we can come up with something.

But, for now, we continue waiting...patiently ;)

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