At 36 weeks and 3 days, the countdown is officially on! Things could literally happen at just about any moment. I had Alyse had 37 weeks and 2 days. I was induced, but probably would not have lasted much longer on my own anyways. Some people are placing bets that it will be sometime next week, I'm still holding out that it won't be until the week after. Again, she may play us all for a fool and come closer to the due date. I think if I truly did make it to 39 weeks I'd ask for the induction for convenience purposes. I know some people are totally against that, but in my opinion, if the doctor is fine with it and all signs point to healthy then why not use the medical advancements that we have available to us?
I have this gut feeling that my water is going to break sometime during the night. Just a feeling that I have. A few interesting notes on Addisyn and Alyse's deliveries. They were both induced, both born on a Tuesday, and Bill Clinton was on David Letterman the Monday night before being induced with both of them. So, check the schedule to see it Clinton is going to be on Letterman any time soon :)
I'm still feeling good. Not really much to complain about. My back hurts especially when I have to sit at the computer for any length of time scoring essays. I still get winded and out of breath. But really, it isn't all that bad. People keep asking if I'm done being pregnant yet, and honestly, no. I haven't felt pregnant the majority of these 9 months anyways, so just now getting those feelings doesn't have me completely drained. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to meet the baby girl and to hold her, but this pregnancy has truly been a breeze other than those first few weeks of morning (all day) sickness. I'm still crossing my fingers that she isn't gong to be any bigger than Alyse and would feel like I hit the jackpot if she were to be smaller.
I had my appointment on Tuesday. Progressed from 2 cm to 3 cm and have effaced a tad more. I didn't get to see my doctor because she was doing a delivery, but saw the Nurse Practitioner. I asked her about my random popping noises from my belly and she looked at me as if I were crazy. Said possibly gas (don't think so) or the baby's ribs cracking. Hmmmmm. I go back on this coming Tuesday for a checkup as well as a sonogram to check on her size. At the appointment prior to this past week's I had asked about baby size because of Alyse's giganticness so Dr. Lambert suggested an ultrasound just to get an idea. Not that she could do anything about it if baby Gummy is indeed toddler sized.
Had a great Thanksgiving yesterday. Made the rounds to my parent's, doug's grandparents, my aunt and uncle's, and then back to mom's for a rousing game of Balderdash. Gotta love the holidays. Excited that Gummy will most likely be here for the next holiday! ;)
I can tell you one more thing though. I am PAST ready to get out of these stupid maternity jeans. They slip and slide and roll. They drive me absolutely insane. wish I was one of the lucky ones who can wear their normal jeans the whole pregnancy. But no, I have to deal with the torture pants. I don't get the people who always rant and rave about maternity clothes. I hate them. With a passion. Here's the big belly, at 36 weeks!

Oh! I almost forgot!!!! The other night, Addisyn was doing her nightly baby check where she takes a look at my belly. Alyse saw her and actually came to inspect as well (this is a first, because she is normally not too happy to talk about the baby). Addisyn was pressing around and talking about how she could feel her. Next thing I know, she trying to look into my belly button and her face just completely lights up. She yells that she is able to see the baby. I almost died trying not to laugh at her. Then, that got Alyse excited so she then was trying to look into the belly. It was so cute to see how excited the both of them were. Can't wait to see their reactions when she's really here!