
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

16 weeks!

Four months, and finally starting to feel a bit better. I can't remember the last time that I took a zofran, which is a good thing. Definitely not feeling 100% "normal," but that's expected during pregnancy. A friend asked me today if each pregnancy gets harder each time, and honestly, I really don't think it does. Maybe it's because I'm still on the younger side? Or maybe it's because the other two kiddos keep me busy that I don't even have time to think about it?

This morning when I woke up to Addisyn crawling up into the bed with me, I could totally feel the little babe balled up on my right side just near my belly button. I was definitely feeling the baby, just not the typical kicking type movements, moreso just feeling the baby floating around in there. I'd press down on the lump and could feel little Baby Dupp react to the pressure. So neat. After getting up and moving around though, baby seemed to disappear back into its hiding place somewhere in my belly. I'm excited to get to feel the little babe all the time and the kicks and rolls, one of my favorite things about being pregnant. I'm also anxious for Addisyn (and Alyse too!) to get to feel her brother/sister kicking around and really understand what's happening. She was a bit to young to piece everything together during Alyse's pregnancy, which is basically the age Alyse is now with this baby.

A week from today is the big ultrasound. Hopefully the tech will be able to see boy or girl, because we have a gender reveal party scheduled for the Friday afterwards. I'm getting anxious to find out what it is, and the car ride from the doctor's office to the cake shop is going to be torturous knowing that the baby's sex will be right inside my purse, haha! It's going to take EVERYTHING in me not to take a peek during the sonogram and also in the car. I can do it though, because I don't want to ruin the surprise. It will be so fun to find out with everyone else. I only worry that if it's pink there won't be much of a reaction from others, because everyone seems to think we "need" a boy. I'll be happy either way, and I'm not just saying that ;)

Tomorrow, we have a big day planned for the fourth. Swimming out at my parents, and then coming back to our house for a cookout and our annual [pregnant] walk down to the lake to watch the fireworks. I'm just glad I'm not as pregnant this 4th as I was when I was pregnant with both Addisyn and Alyse. Yuck. Hot and miserable.

1 comment:

  1. hard to believe we have kept up with our walk 5 years in a row! i am so excited for the 13th :)
