
Monday, July 23, 2012

It's a....


Yes, that makes three of a kind! I am beyond excited to be adding a THIRD baby girl into our family. As excited as I am, I think little Addisyn is even more excited. Alyse doesn't understand, but was more than willing to eat some delicious cake. Doug, well, he claims he isn't disappointed. I know otherwise though. I know he will love this little girl just as much as Addisyn and Alyse, but he was REALLY hoping for a hunting buddy. Guess he will just have settle on three little ballerinas :)

Just before cutting into the beautiful cake by Sweet Ashley Rae's
On Friday, July 13th, we had our big gender reveal party. It was so exciting to find out along side some of the most important people in our lives. All four of us went to the sonogram the Tuesday prior, and Doug and I really and truly turned our heads when the tech told us she was going to be looking at the baby's legs. She didn't let off any hints and she even wrote the gender down AFTER we left the room. No cheating on our parts! Straight from there it was off to the baker to give the envelope away so there would not be any temptation. 

It was a long three day wait, but I just tried my best not to think about it. Doug was sure it was a boy because he said the tech saw things too fast (ha! It felt like we had our heads turned forever). But honestly though, it could be just as simple to see something NOT there as something that WAS there.

there were still some votes to come
The party itself was simple and the whole point was to just cut into that dern cake and find out what our little baby was. We did have everyone cast their votes on a chalkboard. The boy side of the board was completely full and there were just a few votes on the girl side (including mine and Addisyn's and a few "cheater" votes where someone couldn't decide so they marked both). We even demonstrated the ring test old wive's tale where it predicted three girls and then a boy (oh, geez!).

Once it finally came time to cut into the cake we had Addisyn and Alyse come to help. Little Addi was so excited and had been saying all week long that she was so excited because she was going to get to have a pink cake. While we were cutting she was staring that cake down. I think she was probably more nervous than us. Doug got the first glance of the pink icing and his "awwwww" gave it away to everyone else that it was a girl. Once the slice was pulled all the way out, there was some yelling and "it's a girl" going on. I can only imagine what would have happened had the icing been blue.
Addisyn patiently watching to see if it will be a boy or a girl.
So happy for pink!
All in all, it was a successful party and reveal. Although so many were hoping for a boy (there aren't many boys in either side of the family) I think most are still excited over a third girl. Not too many families have three of a kind. Who knows maybe there's be opportunity for a full house. Totally kidding! I told Doug on the bright side, there's not much we need to buy to be prepared. Goodness knows we have oodles of clothes that are still in great condition. 

For anyone wondering: No, we are not telling the name again! Sorry, folks. You already know the game and it's not changing this time around. Plus, it is going to be quite a hard task to come up with a THIRD girl name. So hard, that it hasn't even been discussed yet anyways. Plus, it's more fun this least on our end ;) I love surprises!

Also a big thank you to Zoe for helping throw everything together! LaShaun for taking these awesome photos! And, Sweet Ashley Rae's for the beautiful (and delicious) cake!

Have to throw this picture in because Doug actually smiled for a picture!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for the 3rd baby girl dupp :)
    love you all!
