
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hello, Second Trimester

Thirteen weeks today and officially in the second trimester! I'm slowly starting to feel better. Sometimes can go 2-3 days without taking a Zofran, and then there will be a not so fun day (this morning, surprisingly) where I'll need to take one. I can see the light though and I'm thinking this nauseousness is almost out the door. Plus, the second trimester is supposed to be the most comfortable of the whole pregnancy, and that's exactly where I'm at! I can't believe that we are only 6 months away from meeting this little babe. Which also means it's only six months until Christmas. Now, that's a scary thought.

Today I went to the doctor for a checkup and ultrasound. The ultrasound was to measure the baby's neck folds and to check for any markers of genetic disorders like Down's Syndrome or some of the Trisomy syndromes. According to both the sonographer and Doctor Lambert, the measurements look perfect. The second part of the test is the blood work, which they took today as well, but it will take a few weeks to get those results. Once the blood results come in, they factor the neck measurements in and then come up with a number to show the chances of the baby being born with one of the disorders that were tested for.

Baby Dupp III at 13 weeks
During the sonogram, the little babe was laying on its back in the exact position the sonographer needed it to be. She commented that she "liked my baby" because it isn't uncommon for babies to be in any position other than the one needed. The little babe waved it's little arm a few times and a couple of times when the sonographer pressed down on my belly, we saw it jump up. So cute! I also got to hear the heartbeat again, such a wonderful sound to listen to.

The appointment itself was quick, and went well. I didn't have any questions to ask, and all of the results of the tests ran at my last appointment came back looking perfect. Looks like I'm still on the road of a healthy pregnancy. My next appointment is in four weeks, where they will take the last portion of the blood draw for the NT scan. I'll also have another ultrasound to hopefully find out the gender. Well, not "us" find out, just the technician, because a gender reveal party is in the works and we want it to be a surprise for everyone! So exciting!

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