
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

32 Weeks!

Eeeek. It's so scary to think that my due date is only 8 weeks away. What's even scarier than that is that Addisyn came at 38 weeks (6 weeks away) and Alyse came at 37 weeks (5 weeks away). Now, that really puts things into perspective. I'm starting to get quite anxious which is a combination of nervousness and excitement.

I am feeling back to my normal self after the flu, thank goodness. I was worried that it was going to steal any and all energy for the remainder of the pregnancy, but luckily that didn't happen. Ever since being sick though I've noticed the braxton hick contractions starting up. They first started while I was sick and have been occurring pretty much every day. Especially in the evenings. The other night, I actually woke up because of a couple of really strong ones. I started to get nervous because these particular ones were quite sharp where all the other ones were just a dull/tightening feeling. Those couple in the middle of the night though surely got my attention. And, they also made me question what in the world have I gotten myself into AGAIN?!?! I had forgotten about labor feelings, and those little braxton hicks started to bring back some memories. Will most definitely be requesting that epidural upon admittance just as I did with Alyse. Not trying to earn any medals or backpats here ;)

Alyse was sick over this past weekend. Just some random fever that caused her to be extremely clingy, irritable, and whiney. She also woke up just about every hour crying for no apparent reason for two nights in a row. As soon as I went in to help her she would settle down and lay right back down to sleep. Luckily, the fever is gone though!

Doug got down the newborn and 0-3 month clothes from the attic. Took a day to wash and get all of those things sorted. I forgot the annoying sound of snaps drying in the dryer. Holy cow, so loud! And I totally did not realize how many clothes we have. Oh my gosh! May have to invest in a few more warmer items, but we really won't be going out anyways with a newborn so we can probably make do with what we've got. I'm already uber paranoid about germs and there's no way we will be exposing baby gummy to any more germs than we have to, especially with her making her arrival right in the worst part of germ season.

Nothing else exciting is happening. The girls are getting their 2 and 4 year old pictures done tomorrow and then a 3D sonogram for baby Gummy. Hopefully she will cooperate and we'll get a good view of her face. I'm also curious to know how she's weighing in. I'm crossing my fingers that she isn't toddler size yet and crossing everything else on my body that she isn't as big as Alyse was.

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