
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Time flies when you're having fun!

Ella is getting "Doc McStuffin-ed!"

Sitting here cuddling little Ella on a Sunday night, after a great Sunday Funday, I realized it has been quite while since I've been on the blog. No one has reached any milestones and things have been pretty calm in these parts. So I'll scrape from the bottom of the pool here for a quick update!

Ella's 3 months old!
First, Friday night I had my first night out sans kiddos post Ella (aside quick trips to the grocery store or a fast run to target). Definitely not a wild night out on the town, just a trip to the movie theater... exhilarating, I know! But, it was a MUCH needed time out of the house not having to worry about a hungry baby, refereeing a cat fight, or changing a diaper. Lisa and I went to go see Oz the Great and Powerful. While I know the reviews weren't all that hot, I could not neglect the prequel of my childhood's favorite film. And, apparently it doesn't take much to entertain me, because I actually really liked it and glad that I had to chance to go and see it. Now, I need to decide what to do on my next "night out." Oh! While out I was worried a tad over Ella having to take a bottle (I've been working on a small stash of milk in the freezer) but it turned out she didn't even need one! Fed her before I left and she lasted the whole time! Lucky for her, Doug, and me!!

Second, this past week I've realized that Alyse is a secret pooper. I've caught her recently going into private areas to do her business on her own (in her diaper/pull-up). A couple of times I accidentally walked in on her not knowing what was happening. When that happens, she screams "get out mommy! I going poppies. Just leave me alone!" It cracks me up laughing everytime. The kid refuses to poop in the potty.

Third, Addisyn was talking to me today and said that me, her, and Alyse all like boys. So I asked if daddy like boys. Her response was "no, daddies like mommies." Cute. In target the other day, she told me that we just walked by a boy that liked her. That child's mother overheard and laughed. Totally did not know the boy thing started so early!

Fourth! How could I forget?!? Last Sunday, we had Ella's baptism. While it went smoothly for us, the overall ceremony was a madhouse! There were like 8 kids being baptized and a couple of the kids had the whole family there and then some. The Deacon performing it made the comment that in the twenty something years he's been doing this that he has never seen such a turnout. He also commented that it would be organized chaos, and that hit the nail on the head. Ella did perfectly and was just a tad startled by the water. It was a different Deacon from who baptized the two older girls and he used a lot more water! Ella did shed a tear though! Afterwards, we went to Mimi's Cafe for a late lunch with everyone and it was really nice.

Addi and Lysie with their great-grear grandmother

And, for today's events we started off with breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Alyse threw a screaming fit because she dropped a fork on the ground and wanted that specific fork back. Tries giving her mine, scream. Got a new one, scream. So I go to pick her up to walk outside and she screams bloody murder and almost silenced the whole restaurant on a busy Sunday morning. That was fun. Then, it was to celebrate my great grandmother's 98th birthday and my baby twin cousins' first birthdays. Finally, rounding out the night with grilling wings at my parents. Whew.

So what I thought would be a quick update turned into a not so quick one. Oops!

Easter next week! :)

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