
Friday, February 8, 2013

Power of the Sun

Ella's still going strong in her cloth diapers. I'm actually loving these kind of diapers we have from the rental service. They're used just like a disposable, just cotton. Literally, she pees and/or poops in them, wipe her up, throw the diaper in the pail and that's it until laundry day. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

I was very skeptical over whether or not there would be stains. Mainly because we have lost a few onesies between the three girls because of some massive explosions. So I was ready to put it to the test. I put the first load through the washer with some of her poopy diapers and I was pulling them out of the washer to transfer to the dryer. Sure enough, the poopy diapers were stained yellow. They were clean, just stained. I seriously thought there would be no hope but was going to try laying them out in the sun (as several cloth diaper blogs suggested) to maybe make it not so bad. Little did I know though, because after an hour or so in the sun the yellow was completely gone. The diapers looked brand new. All from the sun. I was totally shocked and laughed just thinking about how much I thought it was all just a crock. I am now so much a believer in the sun that during today's load I took before and afters. Yes, I am now one of those wonky moms taking pictures (and talking about) of their kid's dirty diapers. I am fully aware this will put me into a whole new category, but you've got to at least agree its pretty freaking cool how the sun can do this all on its own. And, to my credit, it's not actual pictures of her poo, just a picture of the stain that was left after being washed ;)

Getting crunchy here at the Dupp house, haha!

Now, tell me that isn't cool! ;)

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