This week has been quite busy. First, Valentine's Day. Megan and Elizabeth came over the night before Valentine's and brought a cookie decorating kit for the girls. They had so much fun putting icing and sprinkles on the cookies. Then, on the real Valentine's Day Ella had her appointment at the doctor. Finally, the day after Valentine's Day Addisyn had her party at school. That, my friends, is a lot of Valentine's Day!
On the 11th little Ella hit the two month mark. Wowza! She is such a sweet baby and I just can't get enough of her. Her smiles and coos are beyond precious. She had her checkup at the pediatrician and checked out perfectly. After seeing her weight the doctor said that she was definitely thriving. Little chunky butt! Although, not as near as chunky as Alyse was, haha!

Ella now weighs 12 pounds and 2 ounces, just 4 ounces short of being exactly 4 pounds heavier from her birthweight (which was also her weight at her two week check-up). Essentially, she's gained 4 pounds in the last month and half. She was in the 75th percentile for her weight, meaning if there were a 100 babies her age she would weigh more than 75 of them and weigh less than the remaining 25. For her height, she is now 22.5 inches which is the 50th percentile, and a growth of 2.5 inches since birth. She is the shortest of all three of the girls when comparing at the same ages. Finally, she's got a noggin on her (just like her older sisters)! 15.75 inch head circumference and in the 95th percentile! I guess I just make little Einsteins, huh?
Other than those stats, there wasn't much to the appointment. I asked the doctor about her reflux but he didn't seem too concerned. She generally does ok, but it's just sometimes I know it really upsets her. But, since she has more good days than bad, I won't press the issue. The doctor suggested maybe working on getting her on a schedule, but honestly, I work better without a schedule. I prefer to just follow her cues. If she's hungry, I'm going to feed her. If she's sleeping, I'm going to let her sleep. It's how I did the other two girls and that's what works for me/us. Schedules stress me out when they're this little..
She got 3 shots in one leg and two in the other |
Along with all the general checks and questions, she had to get her shots. 5 shots!! That's a lot of shots for just a "tiny" baby. But, I know how important they are. As the doctor was explaining each of the shots and their effectiveness, blah blah, he threw out some pretty interesting numbers on showing how they've basically knocked out a handful of what used to be common severe illnesses. We split Addisyn's and Alyse's first set of shots into two sessions because of their "rough starts" but since Ella didn't have any major setbacks, I just decided it would be easier to get them all done and over with. She did so good too. She did a few cries but as soon as I picked her up, she was just fine. Alyse actually was more upset than Ella. Poor babe didn't like seeing her sister get poked. The rest of that day Ella just snoozed away. Only waking up to eat. She did the same thing the next day. Literally slept it all away in my arms. Although I hate she has to get poked I'm not going to lie that the extra cuddly cuddles that follow are so awesome.
Speaking of sisterly love, when the nurse was trying to listen for Ella's respiratory rate anytime Addisyn or Alyse would come into sight or talk, the nurse said that Ella's rate would increase. She was obviously reacting to her sister's voices and getting excited over it. How sweet it that? She's only a few weeks old and has already connected with them! I love my girls!
Here's a little comparison of all three of my girl's 2 month stats. So funny how each baby is so different.
Addisyn: 10lbs 8oz, 23 3/8 inches long, 15 3/8 inch head circumference
Alyse: 13lbs 2oz, 23 inches long, 15.5 inch head circumference
Ella: 12lbs 2oz, 22.5 inches long, 15 3/4 inch head circumference
All three of my girls as newborns. Who's who? |