
Sunday, January 27, 2013

6 weeks old and growing

A few new things this week. Ella started with her cloth diapers. She's not in the completely full time only because we still had a few disposables left and I couldn't waste then lol. I'm keeping her in the disposables during the overnight. So Friday, at 6 weeks and 3 days little Ella moved into her first cloth diaper. And they are so adorable. These are the newborn size that we have rented until she's big enough to fit into the one size diapers that we have.

With the move into the cloth I had to put away the newborn clothes. It was a sad moment. One, because it means she's growing. And, two, because after going through my three girls, it was most likely their last run. Can't bring myself to totally get rid of them just yet though. The newborns still fit her, but with the cloth diapers which are a bit bigger than disposables, they were a little bit too snug. So, now in 0-3 months and they are quite loose on her. Still though, she got almost 7 weeks in newborns. More than what other babies last :)

Ella in her very first cloth diaper. So stinking cute.
While switching Ella's clothes I got Addisyn's old 3t jeans out for Alyse. All of Alyse's jeans were basically high waters on her. Even though they "fit" they were just entirely way too short. My poor kids are destined to have the same awful time finding the perfect for in jeans as I do. So frustrating! Addisyn is in the same boat, but moving her up a size isn't possible because they would completely fall off her. Even with adjustable straps. So unfortunately for her, she stuck with high waters. Luckily though, we shouldn't have too many more cold days before it will be long time shorts weather.

Ella is also spending more and more time awake each day. This morning, she was up from around 9 until 1 in the afternoon. She normally takes a good 3-4 hour nap mid afternoon. Night times are hit or miss. Sometimes she will sleep from 10/11 all the way until 4/5. Other times, she will essentially be up all night. Those nights are rough, and it's not that she up crying it just that she's uncomfortable from what I'm assuming is reflux. I've been giving her gripe water on those nights. Sometimes it helps, other times not so much. She will have her 8 weeks checkup next week, and I'm going to ask the doctor's opinion on what he thinks is going on and whether or not she needs medication.

Other than that, as Pete The Cat would say (the current favorite book in the house): [we'll] keep walking along and singing our song...because it's all good :)

so, its not Pete the Cat, but it is the infamous Pinkalicious! I love that my kids love to read!

Friday, January 18, 2013

5 weeks

Love these girls and love that they love each other (most of the time)

Little Ella hit five weeks old on Tuesday. It's amazing how she becomes more and more alert each day. She's getting quite strong in lifting her head and is definitely interested in the things happening around her. One of my favorites are her smiles and little random coo's that seem to come from nowhere. I weighed her on Tuesday and she was 9lbs and 3oz, up 12 oz from her birth weight. So, she's not packing the pound in any hurry (yet) but her little thighs have a few rolls on them. So cute. Probably the only time rolls are ever cute in a person's life. Surprisingly, she's still rocking the newborn clothes!

 Some may know that while pregnant with Ella I made the choice to cloth diaper her. Which is quite a shocker considering the amount of jokes I've made about my mom cloth diapering us. BUT, cloth diapers are no where near the same as they were back then with a prefold and cover. It's a world of its own. Anyways, the plan was to start off in disposables for the newborn size and then move her into the cloth diapers that we have. Well, I tried them on her an they are still too big. So, Alyse is wearing them. She's been in them for about a week now, and they are working out perfectly. She like them too because she gets cool colors. Plus, no more buying diapers so that's pretty awesome. She won't be in them long though because she's essentially ready to be potty trained. Ella has a bit longer before she will be big enough to truly fit in them. Currently, she has a few more packs of disposables and I have some newborn sized cloth diapers that should be coming in next week. It's a rental of brand new diapers for $30 a month (it would be a bit more than double to use disposable). I'm excited to get her in them!

One day this past week I over heard Addisyn and Alyse playing. Their new game is taking turns being "mommy" and "baby" and addisyn decided to take it to the extreme. What I overheard was her telling alyse to drink from her boobies. Reluctantly, I went to go see what exactly it was they were doing. Well, Addisyn had Alyse "nursing" from her. I couldn't help but bust out laughing. After that initial reaction, I struggled with how to handle it. I mean, you don't want your kids telling people to drink milk from their boobies but I also don't want to give off the impression that nursing is bad. Oh, the joys and difficulties of motherhood.
Annnnnnd....she's out!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

4-weeker :)

Today marks having a four week old baby. I cannot believe that my sweet baby girl is already 4 weeks! What a sweet baby she has been, too. It's amazing how in just 28 days (actually sooner than that, but so to speak) you can't even imagine your life without this tiny person in it!

Ella is growing well (actually, just guessing on that since its been two weeks since her last appointment) and has mastered all that a baby her age should: eating, sleeping, and pooping! She's doing pretty well during the overnight too. She's had a couple of good stretches, normally though its about 3 hours. The best stretch though was the other night from about 10pm until 5 am. 7 hours!! I woke up and saw the clock and was shocked. Then a had a bit of mommy guilt for letting her sleep that long. However, I know it was pretty much a fluke and that she is well fed and one long stretch like that won't hurt a thing!

I just noticed today that her newborn clothes are fitting a bit more snug. Not quite ready to move up to the next size, but she's getting close. It's mostly because they're getting too short not necessarily too tight.

Yesterday, it was back to the grind. Addisyn went back to school since winter break and then both Addi and Alyse went back to ballet. It was nice to get out and about and amazingly nice to have a couple of hours of no fighting while addisyn was at school. These poor girls had been couped up in the house for the last 4 weeks since we haven't been going out with the baby. This also marked Ella's first day of adventures outside of the house and a couple of trips to the pediatrician.

lounging while mommy folds laundr
Essays have been insane. I've literally been working from waking-up until going to bed at night. I had nowhere near as much work last year as I do this year, it's busy but will pay out in the end.

Nothing exciting or special happening anytime soon to announce. Basically, just loving in my girls and getting as many snuggles and cuddles in as I can get :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy 2013

I think this New Year was the very first that we spent at our actual home. We are either out at mom and dad's for a bonfire, Hudson, or the river. Nope, not this year! And, it was quite the uneventful night too. Addi and Alyse were in bed by ten. Ella snuggled inmy arms. Me, grading essays. Doug watching a movie. Didn't even get to see the ball drop!

New Years's Day was Ella's third week birthday. I was looking at her tonight and was taken aback at how much I think she's grown. I know she's still tiny, but she's fitting into her little lamb seat and bouncer chair better. Before, she just seemed so small in it. Maybe, it's not so much she's growing per se, maybe just stretching out. I just want her to stay itty bitty longer. Sure, it's fun once they are more interactive, but really I just want to savor the dependency and the cuddles. It's one of my most favorite things in the whole world.

Ever since her first poop explosion last week, she's had a few more. Thts always fun to clean. Addisyn is particularly grossed out by it. Talking about going to the bathroom, Alyse is working on potty training. I thinks she's pretty much ready, but I feel kinda bad because right now I don't have the time to give her the attention she needs to work with her. Today, she kept her diaper dry from when she woke up all the way until some point during her nap. She asked to use the potty a few times and I also asked her if she needed to go a couple of other times. Her biggest motivation is of course the two m&ms she gets for a successful trip. I should be finished with a huge essay
workload in Monday, and at that point,
I hope to really get on the ball with her.
How nice it will be to not have to do
her diaper anymore.

Next week, we return to our normal routines. Back to school and back to ballet for Addisyn and Alyse. I know they are ready, but I'm going to miss the sleeping in. I know once they get back on the schedule of getting up early MWF, they'll be back to getting up at that time everyday again. It been nice having them sleep until 9:30/10:00 each morning. Especially, when I'm up a few times a night with a baby.

With that, here's to a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2013. Cant wait to see all the good things in store for our family :)