Love these girls and love that they love each other (most of the time) |
Some may know that while pregnant with Ella I made the choice to cloth diaper her. Which is quite a shocker considering the amount of jokes I've made about my mom cloth diapering us. BUT, cloth diapers are no where near the same as they were back then with a prefold and cover. It's a world of its own. Anyways, the plan was to start off in disposables for the newborn size and then move her into the cloth diapers that we have. Well, I tried them on her an they are still too big. So, Alyse is wearing them. She's been in them for about a week now, and they are working out perfectly. She like them too because she gets cool colors. Plus, no more buying diapers so that's pretty awesome. She won't be in them long though because she's essentially ready to be potty trained. Ella has a bit longer before she will be big enough to truly fit in them. Currently, she has a few more packs of disposables and I have some newborn sized cloth diapers that should be coming in next week. It's a rental of brand new diapers for $30 a month (it would be a bit more than double to use disposable). I'm excited to get her in them!
One day this past week I over heard Addisyn and Alyse playing. Their new game is taking turns being "mommy" and "baby" and addisyn decided to take it to the extreme. What I overheard was her telling alyse to drink from her boobies. Reluctantly, I went to go see what exactly it was they were doing. Well, Addisyn had Alyse "nursing" from her. I couldn't help but bust out laughing. After that initial reaction, I struggled with how to handle it. I mean, you don't want your kids telling people to drink milk from their boobies but I also don't want to give off the impression that nursing is bad. Oh, the joys and difficulties of motherhood.
Annnnnnd....she's out! |
Look at all that hair :) love the chubby cheeks... adorable!!