She had her 4 month checkup at the doctor today, the day after her 4 month birthday. She weighs in at 14lbs 3oz (60%), is 24.75 inches long (75%), and a head circumference of 16inches (50%). Apparently, her ginormous head has completely evened out to perfection, not too big and not too small. At her 2 month checkup is was huge! She's definitely growing into her own skin just as she should.
Really, nothing hugely important was discussed at her checkup, and I didn't have any questions or concerns to bring up. She's to keep on her diet of mommy milk and since she's growing just as she should no need to start with any sort of solid foods. The start of solid foods is such a bittersweet moment for me, so I'm just as happy holding her off on it. It's hard and weird to explain why it is so bittersweet to me, but mostly it's just the signal of her continuous growth and that feeling as she doesn't solely depend on me anymore. Weird, I know. When we do cross the bridge to introducing solids, I am planning on actually making our own food this time around. I never did it with the older two, as I was working, and I didn't want to take away the time that I had with them just to make food. So I'm excited for this new adventure. It's number three, time to try new things :)
Here's some comparisons of Ella to her big sisters at their 4 month checkups:
Addisyn: 12lbs 11oz, 24.75 inches long
Alyse: 15lbs 140z, 26.35 inches long
Ella: 14lbs 3oz, 24.75 inches long
This clearly shows how each child is so different. All three of them only had breastmilk their entire first 6 month of life (well for Ella her first four, and is on the road to six lol), and how varying their weights are/were. I think Ella is moreso our "average" baby. Addi was the itty-bitty, and Alyse the chunker monker!
Finally, we also had a visitor in the telephone pole along the alley in our backyard. The neighbors were the ones who spotted it first. I've never seen a bald eagle flying around downtown Winter Garden before! Pretty neat!
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