
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

27 weeks!

Wow. We have been so busy! It's been such a long time since I've put an update up. The past few weeks I have been swamped with grading essays. I think I've already done over 1,000 essays. It almost seems that it is all I do ALLLLLL night long. Then, there's toting the girls around and getting Addisyn to school three times a week. Phew. Need a bit of a breather.

On top of all of that, this weekend are the girls' birthdays. Alyse is Friday and Addisyn on Sunday. So I've also been prepping things for that. I can't believe that they are going to be 4 and 2 years old. Absolutely crazy how fast time flies by. They are very excited for their birthday party, which we are having on Sunday. We've baked the cakes and have them all ready to decorate on Saturday. Crossing my fingers that they come out decently. They may not look the best, but I do know that they taste good ;) Their party is going to be a Neverland theme and I have a few cute activities planned for the kids.

On the baby front, 27 weeks today. I go in on Thursday for my glucose screening. So not looking forward to drinking that nasty orange drink. I have a couple of questions to ask the doctor too. The big one about getting the vaccine for whooping cough. I'm not sure if it is ok to get while pregnant, but I do know that I want myself and Doug to get it this year (as well as the flu shot) to protect the new baby since she would be the one most at risk. It's actually recommended for all people who will be around her to get the vaccine.

I'm feeling good, aside from a tiny bit of ankle swelling at the end of some nights. I've noticed it takes my breath away if I have to bend over. I'm sure it's my growing belly smashing my lungs in half lol. I really have nothing to complain over, and still don't feel much more different from when I'm not pregnant.

On an exciting note, this little babe has nightly dance-a-thons in my belly. I can just feel her kicking and squirming for a good portion on the evening. It's one of my favorite things of being pregnant. The other morning, I had Addi place her hand on my belly while the baby was moving around and she was able to feel her for the first time. Her face lit up and then all the questions started to flow. Her biggest question was when was the baby going to come out so that she could hold her and pet her. She's such a good big sister. Hopefully, she will stay this loving as her little sisters and her grow older. Alyse still doesn't grasp the concept of the baby. But, if you ask her where the baby is she will pat my stomach. She understand what we are talking about, but I think the concept of the baby is still too abstract for her at this point.

Love my girls!

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