
Thursday, May 24, 2012

yep, there are going to be five!

Last month we received the shocking, yet happy, news that there is going to be another baby added into our little home. Ladies and gents, I officially announce that Baby Dupp III is "due" to make his/her arrival on December 18, 2012. Just a few days before the scheduled end of the world. Thank you, Mayans! So long as little Baby Dupp is healthy and ready, this momma sure wouldn't mind an earlier arrival (as both Addisyn and Alyse were two weeks or more early), which would most definitely make the holiday season a bit less hectic from what it would be without newborn freshness. Plus, who wouldn't enjoy getting to cuddle a sweet and squishy newborn on Christmas day?

When the news came, I was about six weeks along, with absolutely no symptoms. Two weeks later, I was scheduled for an ultrasound to see the little bean, and during those two weeks fatigue and nausea reared it's ugly head. I was exhausted. And, I was sick. Not necessarily bowing to the throne sick, but that nasty nauseous feeling that just seemed to last all day, and would progressively get worse each hour until I'd give in and go to bed. Nonetheless, doctor to the rescue, and Zofran became a dear friend of mine (and soon an enemy, but that's another story). Still, at 10 weeks and 2 days today, I still have that nauseous feeling. I'm trying to only take the Zofran if I'm really feeling in the pits and just can't take it anymore. But honestly, I think I'm just going to take the whole being pregnant thing for serious this time. Both other pregnancies I didn't whine, complain, or subject Doug to go out and get me something because I was craving it. I think it will be fun to do that this time, haha.

So, here's the internet debut of Baby Dupp III, at 7 weeks and 6 days. I know, not much to see, but it's the proof there's something in there! Have another ultrasound scheduled in two weeks, and by then baby should be more babyish and more exciting to look at.


  1. Soo excited for baby dupp iii :)

    Love you all!

  2. i didn't realize you were so close! that stinks that you're still feeling bad. I will definitely tell doug you said congratulations :)
