
Sunday, August 11, 2013

8 month little sweetie!

My crazy kiddos that are pretty much just plain awesome! ;)
Wow, we have been so busy and that just makes it seem like time is flying by even faster than it already seems. Today, Ella hit 8 months. Since her last monthly update she has started eating solid foods, is a completely unassisted sitter, and she can even push herself backwards while she is sitting on the floor. While she's on the bed she can go from sitting down to her tummy and then back up to sitting. While she's sitting upright she likes to try and grab things that are just barely out of her reach so I'm sure it will be no time before she starts going down to her tummy while on the hard floor, and then *gasp* she'll be on the road to crawling! Eeek! My baby isn't big enough to be a crawler. She is also my little appendage. Little babe rarely lets me put her down and when she does allow it I pretty much have to be in her sight at close range AND it can't be in the arms of anyone else. If she can't have mommy she most certainly doesn't want anyone else. I know to most people this would probably seem an inconvenience, but I like to look at it that this is the smallest fraction of her life where she's going to want/need me as much as she does. Before I know it she will be up and running around with the rest of the crew and I will just be chopped liver.

Two of my three sweet girls!

There is one up and coming problem though with the dilemma of my extra appendage. I'm started work at the pre-school and little miss is going to be in the baby room while I'm doing so. Her poor teacher is going to have her hands full and I'm just praying that Ella learns that it's ok to stay with others for a little bit and that she's not losing me for good. We've decided that tomorrow will be know as the EllApocalypse  day. Poor thing is going to have it rough, but she's going to have to find some way to cope.

From a different perspective, I'm excited to get out of the house some and into a classroom again. Not quite sure how Addi feels about "Ms. Momma" being her teacher for a few weeks though, haha!

Baby food! I decided to take on the new adventure of making Ella's baby food. So far, so good. Easy peasy, and it's nice to know exactly what is going into her food. After a week or two of oatmeal, we started on the green peas, which she surprisingly took like a champ. Then it was on to bananas, green beans, carrots, apples, plums, apricots, and peaches. At the grocery store yesterday, I bought some yellow squash, butternut squash, and some sweet potatoes. So far we haven't had any bad experiences and I'm happy she's a healthy and hearty eater. She gets so excited for her food and while bounce and bob her head in her chair along with some happy squeals and arm throws. Love this little girl :)

Here are her first batch of green peas steaming and then getting chopped! yummo! Baby food that tastes like the real thing, because it IS the real thing!

Next week, school officially starts (just pre-planning this week) along with ballet for Addi and Alyse. It's almost time to get back to the grind!

And!!! check out this comparison photo of Addi and Ella around the same age. Crazy how much they look alike!

Finally, can't forget about Lysie-Poo. Here she is feeding her baby. It was her excuse to not clean up her mess. Smart kid, smart kid, haha!

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